Why do you need a Clinical Exercise Program?
Studies show that there is a high correlation between sedentary behavior and an increase in cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Sedentary behavior has also shown to increase obesity and cancer risk. According to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), physical activity decreases the chances of developing cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and other health problems. Improvements can be made by incorporating as little a 30 minutes per day of cardiovascular exercise.
About the Y’s Clinical Exercise Program
The YMCA’s clinical exercise programs are a clinically supervised fitness program designed for men and women who need to incorporate physical activity into their lives. All clinical training programs are administered by a degreed and specifically trained Exercise Physiologist. Exercise not only helps with medical conditions, but it also helps increase quality of life.
Whether you have joint issues, hypertension, cancer, or you are just deconditioned, we can help you!
What you get!
A 30-minute complimentary assessment with your exercise physiologist. Your exercise physiologist will take your baseline measurements, which include blood pressure, body weight and body fat percentage. Your exercise physiologist will also conduct fitness testing baselines and discuss your medical history and goals. This information will be shared with your physician.
After your initial assessment, your exercise physiologist will create a program tailored to your needs and goals.
Clinical Exercise Programs
Clinical Exercise Training
A 12-week program that includes a membership to the YMCA and 12-weekly, 30 one on one program visits. Your physician will receive initial measurements as well as mid-way and upon completion of the program.
Cost: $250
Clinical Conditioning
Clinical conditioning is an option for individuals who want to exercise in a supervised group setting. Clinical conditioning is offered 3x’s per week and your exercise will be monitored by a trained exercise physiologist.
Cost: $25.00/month (must be a YMCA member to take advantage of this program)
Contact Michelle Dowd for more information and to register for the program.