Phase Two Reopening Plans
Members who consider themselves to be part of a vulnerable population will continue to be discouraged from entering the facility. All facilities will continue to enforce strict social and physical distancing efforts, and all staff who may be in close contact with members and/or other staff will be encouraged to wear PPE. Social gatherings of 10 or more will not be permitted. All facilities will continue additional sanitation procedures and have staff dedicated to cleaning equipment between users. Additional facility-specific changes to normal operations may include:
- Hours of Operation
- Mon-Fri: 5am – 7pm
- Sat: 7am – 3pm
- Sun: Closed
- Members are limited to a one-time, 90-minute visit per day
- Limiting room/space capacity to 5 people per 1,000 ft2
- No guests will be permitted
- When feasible, members and staff should wear cloth face coverings when around others.
- Staff & members will continue to have temperatures taken upon entering the facility. Anyone with a temperature of 100.4 or higher will not be allowed entry and will not be allowed to return until they are fever-free for 72 hours.
- Members must maintain a minimum of 6 feet distance and wash (minimum of 20 seconds with soap and water) or sanitize their hands before workouts.
- Access in/out of the facility is controlled by signage and barriers.
- Access to certain equipment (cardio, machines, weights, etc.) will be limited to maximize physical distancing and have a time limit.
- Members must disinfect equipment before and after use. Provided disinfectant cleaner must remain on the used area for a minimum of 60 seconds before wiping to ensure proper cleaning.
- Members are encouraged to shower at home, however, locker rooms and showers will be available.
- Locker rooms will be open for use with the following requested procedure:
- YMCA-approved bottled chemicals will be provided. Members are asked to spray down showers, benches, and lockers used.
- After use of a locker, please leave the locker door open to indicate that it has been used and is in need of sanitation. Staff will be making frequent cleaning rounds through locker rooms for sanitation
- Child Watch will resume, reservations are highly recommended. Staff will be required to wear masks at all times. At no time will parents be allowed beyond the check-in point.
- Child Watch capacities are as follows:
- CCE – 10 children
- GT – 6 children
- Child Watch capacities are as follows:
- Virtual classes/classes on Demand, etc. will continue.
- Water Aerobics classes will resume on a limited schedule. Reservations are required.
- No senior-specific programming (Silver Sneakers, etc.)
- The sauna will be one person at a time for no more than 15 minutes to be monitored and wiped down after each use
- Non-program lap swimmers will be limited to 2 people per lane, with staff directing swimmers to enter and exit at opposite ends of the pool. Reservations will be available during certain hours of the day, not all day. At least 1 lap lane will remain available.
- Family swim will be available at certain hours of the day through reservations for 45 mins at a time.
- Group swim lessons will be programmed throughout the week, with operating ratios at half of Y-USA standards. Ratios per age group will run as listed below:
- Parent/Child (3&U): 1:5 (1:10 with adults included)
- Preschool (3-5): 1:3
- School-Age (5-12): 1:4
- Group swim lessons will allow 1 adult in the water with parent/child lessons and 1 adult on deck for preschool group lessons. Parents for school-age lessons will be asked to wait in the hallway. Both adults and children must exit the pool area directly following the lesson. Children will not be allowed to swim prior to or after lessons.
- The swim team will operate at lower ratios, with a max of 5 swimmers per lane for White/Teal groups, and 6 per lane for Jr./Sr. groups. Swim team parents will not be permitted on deck.
- No pool rentals will be available during Phase 2.
- No open gym (basketball, pickleball, volleyball, etc.).
- No coffee/water service.
- No sitting/gathering areas.
Throughout Phase 2, we will continue to review these guidelines regularly and communicate changes through email, our website, and social media to meet federal, state, and local guidelines. We will continue providing virtual resources for our members who are still sheltering at home.
Phase One Reopening Plans
In an effort to continue to serve our communities, the YMCA of Coastal has developed the following plan to reopen our facilities at reduced occupancy and program options with a strict focus on physical distancing and sanitation. Throughout this process, we have and will continue to work with local, State and Federal authorities to maintain adherence to changing guidelines and we feel confident that our facilities can safely return to full operations at the conclusion of this staged opening.
Members who consider themselves to be part of a vulnerable population are discouraged from entering the facility. All facilities will enforce strict social and physical distancing efforts, and all staff who may be in close contact with members and/or other staff will wear required appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), including but not limited to disposable or cloth masks and non-latex gloves. Social gatherings of 10 or more will not be permitted. All facilities will implement additional sanitation procedures and have staff dedicated to cleaning equipment between users. Additional facility specific changes to normal operations will include:
- Hours of Operation
- Mon-Fri: 7am – 7pm
- Sat: 7am-3pm
- Sun: Closed
- Members will be limited to a one-time, 60-minute visit per day
- No guests will be permitted. Facility use will only be for members during Phase 1.
- Limiting room/space capacity to ensure proper social distancing guidelines
- Pool will be open for individual exercise only (i.e. lap swimming, water walking, etc.). Pool lanes are limited to 1 person per lane; not to exceed a 30-minute session.
- Family Locker room only with no access to showers.
- Men’s & Women’s locker rooms will remain closed
- Reservations are strongly encouraged for classes and for pool lanes via our provided software. Reservations will not be taken over the phone. For information on how to register for classes, please click here.
- Members must maintain minimum of 6 feet distance and wash (minimum of 20 seconds with soap and water) or sanitize their hands before workouts.
- When feasible, members and staff should wear cloth face coverings when around others.
- Access in/out of the facility is controlled by signage and barriers.
- GT location – every other piece of cardio equipment will be used and have a 30-minute time limit (where applicable). CCE location- all pieces are cardio will be available
- Members must disinfect equipment before and after use. Provided disinfectant cleaner must remain on used area for a minimum of 60 seconds before wiping to ensure proper cleaning.
- Limited number and capacity for land-based group fitness classes maximize physical distancing. Virtual classes will continue.
- No senior specific programming (Silver Sneakers, Water Aerobics, etc.) Limited or no programs (youth sports, swim lessons, swim team, personal training, etc.)
- No use of sauna, as a minimum safe distance of 6 feet cannot be maintained.
- No open gym (basketball, pickleball, volleyball, etc.).
- No coffee/water service
- No sitting/gathering areas
- Child Watch and playground closed
Throughout Phase 1, we will continue to review these guidelines regularly and communicate changes through email, our website and social media to meet federal, state and local guidelines. We will continue providing virtual resources for our members who are still sheltering at home.
For more information on state and local guidelines please see below the links for Accelerate SC