Youth Soccer
The YMCA Youth Soccer Program helps kids become not only better players, but better people as well. It’s a progressive program, with multiple age/gender-specific levels. Every child gets to play and the games are safe, exciting, and fun. We encourage fair play, positive competition, and family involvement.
How are the coaches picked? All of our coaches are volunteers. Some of them are Y staff, some are parents helping coach their kids, while others are folks from the community who share the same Y values. ALL of our coaches go through a background check and a child abuse prevention class. Your child’s safety is our #1 priority.
How often is practice? Typically our teams practice once a week. We know your life is busy so most of those practices will last around 1 hour. We want to honor your time so we provide resources to the coaches to help make your season the best it can be.
What does my registration fee include? When you register your child for our fall/spring soccer season your child will receive a uniform kit (jersey, shorts, and socks) along with a soccer ball for their specific age division. Your registration fee also includes your child’s participation in both the fall and spring soccer seasons. This way your child gets to remain with the same team/coach along with keeping their same practice day and time.
What equipment will my child need? Each child will need shin guards, soccer cleats, and a water bottle.
For more information or questions, please contact your branch’s Sports Director:
Jason Mueller (Myrtle Beach YMCA)
E-mail: [email protected]
843-449-9622 ext 209