How often do you stretch? Aside from a small stretch throughout the day, people often forget to prioritize stretching. Adding just 15 minutes of stretching each day can have many benefits. Stretching can help with
- Posture
- Mobility
- Flexibility
- Sleep
- Blood flow
- Back pain
The American College of Sports Medicine recommends stretching at least 2-3 times per week. However, Healthline recommends stretching every day for a smaller time. The bottom line: you need to stretch!
Try stretching when you wake up to get your mind awake, and before bed to relax! There are tons of muscles in your body that need stretches to help them function well. To learn more about different stretches, check out the YMCA 360 link!
Your healthy habits are adding up! So far, you are tracking your progress, incorporating cardio, staying hydrated, cooking from home, resting, and working out with a partner. Now, you should track how many days a week you stretch! Continue to keep track and journal your progress with all your Healthy Habits!