Do you find yourself constantly spending money eating out? Do you tend to make unhealthy food choices? This month, focus on a new healthy habit: cook from home.
Making smart decisions when it comes to your diet can be hard. Cooking food can seem time-consuming and complicated, and often eating out is a convenient option. However, eating out can lead to unhealthy meals and extra calories. Not only are the portion sizes larger, but food from restaurants contain more oils and sauces used for flavor. These extra hidden ingredients can add up!
This month, skip the drive through and cook from home. To get started, it is important to plan. Planning out your meals can help you make smart decisions in the grocery store. This way, you only buy what you need. When you plan your meals and have everything you need at home, it makes it easier to say no to carryout.
When cooking, incorporate fresh and healthy ingredients. Adding whole foods to your diet that aren’t frozen or processed can ensure you get all the nutrients you need. Eating healthy fats, carbs, and proteins will keep you full longer and reduce cravings.
It’s okay if you don’t know where to start or aren’t a good cook! Recipes are the best way to learn. This month, try to learn a few new recipes and make sure these meals incorporate both leans and greens.
Check out the links below that include ingredients and recipes for beginners!
Not only will cooking from home help your health, but it will also save you money. This healthy habit is essential to being 1% better every day!
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