Happy December and Happy Holidays to the YMCA of Coastal Carolina community! With the start of December comes the beginning of the holiday season. Although these holidays bring together family and friends for fun celebrations, it is such a hard time to stay healthy. Holiday parties with an endless buffet of baked goods and sweet treats can be tempting. To keep yourself in line during the long holiday season, here are a few tips that might help!
- Drink water.
- Eat homemade, not processed goods. When you eat homemade foods, you are more likely to avoid extra calories.
- Don’t try to avoid sweets, just eat in moderation. Restricting can lead to binging. You can indulge in one meal, just not every meal!
- Take walks after meals.
- Stick to a consistent sleep schedule / consistent schedule in general.
- Focus on the fun in holiday activities, not the food. For example, making gingerbread houses does not necessarily mean you have to eat gingerbread toppings.
- Don’t couch it. Try to stay on your feet as much as possible.
- Eat a healthy breakfast! When you start your day off with a protein and fiber-filled breakfast (eggs) as opposed to a carb-loaded one (pancakes), you are more likely to follow that trend the rest of the day.
Happy Healthy Holidays!